Hodzici Road 6

Hodzici Road 5
Liplje 3


Satellite image of the secondary graves on the Hodzici road. Photo: ICTY.
Map of the secondary graves on the Hodzici road. Photo: ICTY.
Satellite image of disturbed earth on the locations of Lazete 1 and Lazete 2. Photo: ICTY.
Photo: ICTY.
Lazete 2. Photo: ICTY.
Lazete 2. Photo: ICTY.
Lazete 2. Photo: ICTY.
Lazete 2. Photo: ICTY.
Lazete mass grave. Photo: ICTY.
Lazete mass grave. Photo: ICTY.
Lazete mass grave. Photo: ICTY.


Hodzici Road 6 - Drone