Čančarski put 7

Čančarski put 12


Map of secondary graves in Kamenica. Photo: ICTY.
Map of primary and secondary graves in South-Eastern Bosnia. Photo: ICTY.
Satellite image of the Kozluk mass grave location. Photo: ICTY.
Photo: ICTY
Women from Srebrenica watch during the exhumation of a mass grave in northeast Bosnia, Kozluk 170 km from Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 15 December 2015, near the site of the notorious Srebrenica massacre in 1995. Photo: EPA/FEHIM DEMIR
Forensic experts examine a mass grave in Kozluk, northeast Bosnia. Photo: EPA/FEHIM DEMIR
Women from Srebrenica watch during the exhumation of a mass grave in northeast Bosnia, Kozluk 170 km from Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 15 December 2015, near the site of the notorious Srebrenica massacre in 1995. Photo: EPA/FEHIM DEMIR


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