Jezero Perućac

Zeleni Jadar 6


UZI01 - 20010908 - PERUCAC, YUGOSLAVIA : An image showing the mass grave at the mouth of Derventa rivulet into Perucac power plant lake, some 260 km southwest of Belgrade, from which 26 corpses and other body parts were exhumated recently. The remains are believed to be those of ethnic Albanians killed by Serb forces in Kosovo during the 1999. The grave is suspected to contain the remains of beteeen 50 and 60 bodies of Kosovo Albanians. Serbian police revealed the existence of the mass grave in mid-July. (YUGOSLAVIA OUT) EPA PHOTO EPA/MZWELE/mz/mda
UZI03 - 20010908 - PERUCAC, YUGOSLAVIA : An image showing excavated pieces of human bones from the mass grave at the mouth of Derventa rivulet into Perucac power plant lake, some 260 km southwest of Belgrade, from which 26 corpses and other body parts were exhumated recently. The remains are believed to be those of ethnic Albanians killed by Serb forces in Kosovo during the 1999. The grave is suspected to contain the remains of beteeen 50 and 60 bodies of Kosovo Albanians. Serbian police revealed the existence of the mass grave in mid-July. (YUGOSLAVIA OUT) EPA PHOTO EPA/MZWELE/mz/mda
UZI01 - 20010831 - PERUCAC, YUGOSLAVIA : (FILES) A file photo dated 31 August 2001 from the site of a mass grave of 50-60 Albanians killed by Serbian forces during NATO bombardment of Yugoslavia in 1999, at the mouth of Derventa rivulet into Perucac power plant lake, some 260km south-west of Belgrade. The exhumation works are due to start here on 03 September 2001 by a team of pathologists led by Dr. Zoran Stankovic from Belgrade. (YUGOSLAVIA OUT) EPA PHOTO EPA/MZWELE/mda
Forensic experts uncover the remains of people, suspected to be killed during the 1992-1995 Bosnian war, on the shore of lake Perucac near Visegrad, August 5, 2010. Former Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic faces 11 counts of war crimes and crimes against humanity related to the 1992-1995 Bosnian war that killed 100,000 people, including two counts of genocide. REUTERS/Danilo Krstanovic (BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA - Tags: SOCIETY CONFLICT IMAGES OF THE DAY) - GM1E6851MEO01


Jezero Perućac - Drone